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3D Fit Review



Garments can be checked for fit and aesthetics before any physical sample is created.  Understanding how to use various tools within different 3D softwares can help assist in decision making.  Applying these during virtual fit sessions can bring the first physical garment closer to the design and fit intent.

Transparent view shows garment relationship to body and visible internal lines show placement in relationship to balance.

1/2" grid view assists in making definitive comments on pattern alterations.  Designers can specify their intent and it is clear what that measurement should be on body, which translates to the flat pattern alterations.

Fit map views show the garment in relationship to the body.  Different 3D software programs have different features to express weft/warp stress or strain, how loose or how tight the garment fits on different parts of the body.  Utilizing these tools within the software can help make educated comments on how much to release or take away from the pattern for the best fit execution for the style.

Checking artwork in 3D has endless benefits in regards to placements, scaling, matching and more.  Designers, product developers and technical designers are able to check various options that can affect design intent, cost and fit.

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